Blue Diamonds Jewellery PLC Certificate - Terms and Conditions

Any certificate produced by Blue Diamonds Jewellery PLC (BDJW) is subject to these general terms and conditions, regardless of date or location issued.

The certificate is not an exact appraisal nor a guarantee of the value, grade, colour and/or other characteristics included in the BDJW certificate. The BDJW is also not to be seen as a warranty. The certificate contains only an opinion by BDJW on an article, alongside a separate certification (as required) from an accredited grader, whose services are contracted as an independent valuer. Opinions may vary as to the details stated in the report depending on when, how and by whom (including the grader/gemmologist/valuer preparing their independent report) as techniques, equipment, laboratories are all utilising different methodologies, and the valuation process is not a static scale but constantly updating one.

Neither BDJW nor its employees shall, at any time, be held responsible or liable for any difference of opinion in comparison to the certificate it provides by other graders or laboratories as their own report may differ due to a use of alternate assessment, grading, tools and techniques. This includes having any liability for any loss, damage, cost or expense resulting from or caused by any inaccuracy in or exclusion from the certificate. All claims, questions and queries must be directed to the last point of sale, in any case, not to BDJW, unless the article(s) were purchased directly from BDJW.